
 服务语种     |      2021-04-12 21:31:46



▪ 同声传译

▪ 交替传译

▪ 普通商务口译


基本解释:[oral interpretation] 从一种语言到另一种语言的口头翻译



翻译专业资格(水平)考试”(China Accreditation Test for Translators and Interpreters —CATTI )是为适应社会主义市场经济和我国加入世界贸易组织的需要,加强我国外语翻译专业人才队伍建设,科学、客观、公正地评价翻译专业人才水平和能力,更好地为我国对外开放和国际交流与合作服务,根据建立国家职业资格证书制度的精神,在全国实行统一的、面向社会的、国内最具权威的翻译专业资格(水平)认证;是对参试人员口译或笔译方面的双语互译能力和水平的认定。


翻译工作是我国对外交流和国际交往的桥梁和纽带,发展翻译事业也是我国对外改革开放的必然要求。为提高翻译人员素质、加强翻译人才队伍建设,进一步推广翻译专业资格考试是顺应国家经济发展的需要的。翻译专业人才在我国经济发展和社会进步中起着非常重要的作用,特别是在吸收引进外国的先进科技知识和加强国际交流与合作方面,翻译是桥梁和纽带。翻译人员的政治素质和业务素质的提高,对于我国在政治、经济、科技等领域全方位加强国际合作起着关键的作用。 党中央、国务院高度关注和重视人才战略的实施,小康大业,人才为本。翻译人才是我国专业人才的重要组成部分,将翻译专业资格(水平)考试纳入我国职业资格制度通盘考虑、通盘设计,是进一步规范和提高翻译人员的业务素质,适应我国加入世贸组织和提高翻译队伍的要求,也是为了改革、改进、完善翻译专业技术职务评审和聘任制度。








交替传译consecutive interpreting口译员坐在会议室里,一面听源语讲话,一面记笔记。当讲者发言结束或停下来等候传译的时候,口译员用清楚、自然的目的语,准确、完整地重新表达源语发言的全部信息内容,就像自己在演讲一样。会议口译中的交替传译要求口译员能够听取长达五至十分钟连续不断的讲话,并运用良好的演讲技巧,完整、准确地译出其全部内容。







Interpretation (also known as interpreting) is a kind of translation activity. As the name suggests, it refers to the way that the translator converts the target language into the translated language in a spoken language. The interpreter then performs translation "simultaneously".

▪ Simultaneous interpretation

▪ Consecutive Interpretation

▪ General business interpreting

Word concept

Basic explanation: [oral interpretation] Oral interpretation from one language to another

Interpretation test


The “China Accreditation Test for Translators and Interpreters —CATTI” (China Accreditation Test for Translators and Interpreters —CATTI) is to meet the needs of the socialist market economy and my country’s accession to the World Trade Organization, and to strengthen the construction of our foreign language translation professionals. It is scientific, objective and fair. Evaluate the level and ability of translation professionals to better serve my country’s opening to the outside world and international exchanges and cooperation. According to the spirit of establishing a national professional qualification certificate system, implement a unified, socially-oriented, and most authoritative translation profession in the country Qualification (level) certification; it is the recognition of the bilingual translation ability and level of the test participants in interpretation or translation.


Translation work is the bridge and link of my countrys foreign exchanges and international exchanges, and the development of translation business is also an inevitable requirement of my countrys reform and opening up to the outside world. In order to improve the quality of translators and strengthen the construction of translation talents, the further promotion of translation professional qualification examination is in line with the needs of national economic development. Translation professionals play a very important role in my countrys economic development and social progress, especially in absorbing and introducing foreign advanced scientific and technological knowledge and strengthening international exchanges and cooperation. Translation is a bridge and tie. The improvement of the political and professional quality of translators plays a key role in strengthening our countrys comprehensive international cooperation in the fields of politics, economy, science and technology. The Party Central Committee and the State Council pay great attention to the implementation of the talent strategy, and "the great cause of a well-off society is talent-oriented." Translators are an important part of our country’s professional talents. Incorporating the translation professional qualification (level) examination into the overall consideration and overall design of my country’s vocational qualification system is to further standardize and improve the professional quality of translators, adapt to my country’s entry into the WTO and improve the translation team The requirement is also to reform, improve, and perfect the evaluation and appointment system of translation professional technical positions.

In addition, the current review of translators at all levels is organized by region or industry. Therefore, their evaluation level also reflects regional standards. The implementation of the translation professional qualification examination system will help the socialization of translation standards. The national professional qualification (level) examination for translation, as a national qualification system, should be a major event in the translation industry. It is a system construction for cultivating high-level translators and promoting translation teams. A great thing for construction. The national implementation of the system of equal emphasis on academic certificates and professional qualification certificates was proposed in the decision of the Third Plenary Session of the 14th Central Committee of the Party, and 31 items have been established and implemented. Vocational qualification is an important means and mechanism for talent evaluation. It is currently in its infancy. The future development field will be very wide and the task will be very arduous. We must proceed from the requirements of the implementation of the talent strategy, plan, design, and implement our country’s vocational qualification system. By establishing a professional and technical personnel vocational qualification system with Chinese characteristics, we will push the evaluation of Chinese talents to a new stage. Meet the requirements of our countrys talent strategy.

Related agencies

simultaneous interpretation

Top international conferences, economic forums, official meetings organized by governments, etc.

Consecutive interpreting

Simultaneous interpretation translation room

Including more formal medium-sized conferences, technical exchanges, business negotiations or higher-level academic conferences, etc.

Consecutive interpreting-An interpreter sits in a conference room, listening to the source language while taking notes. When the speaker finishes his speech or stops to wait for the interpretation, the interpreter uses a clear and natural target language to accurately and completely re-express all the information content of the source language, just like he is speaking. Consecutive interpreting in conference interpreting requires that the interpreter be able to listen to a continuous speech of up to five to ten minutes, and use good speech skills to interpret all of its content completely and accurately.

Is consecutive interpretation easier than simultaneous interpretation?

Regardless of whether consecutive interpretation or simultaneous interpretation, its purpose is to enable people who speak different languages to achieve clear, barrier-free and instant communication. Consecutive interpreting and simultaneous interpreting at the conference interpreting level are not difficult or easy. The two interpreting modes complement each other, and their functions and requirements for quality are exactly the same. A competent conference interpreter should master two modes of interpretation skills.

Regarding the use of the two modes of interpretation, consecutive interpreting is mostly used in small-scale occasions involving only two working languages, such as diplomatic meetings, bilateral negotiations, visits and investigations, small-scale consultations, reporter interviews, judicial and quasi-judicial procedures , Banquet speeches, press conferences, short seminars, etc. Simultaneous interpreting, due to its advantage of not occupying meeting time, has developed into the most commonly used mode in meeting interpreting and is widely used in various international occasions. Almost all formal international multilingual conferences and international organizations (such as the United Nations and the European Union) have adopted simultaneous interpretation as a standard interpretation mode.

General business interpreting

Including small business meetings or negotiations, overseas travel escort interpreters, factory or site visits, exhibitions, etc.

